Sunday, February 21, 2010

Metastatic Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.

In women, breast cancer is the common type of cancer and it is affecting one out of eight women. At any time, this cancer may develop and the risk increases with developing of cancer as the women get older. In most of the post-menopausal women, it is common and with the increase in age will increase the risk as well.

When the cancer is spread beyond the breast, then it is said to be in metastatic state. This means that cancer has traveled from breast to another part of the body. The cells of cancer will travel through blood vessels or lymphatic system.

As of today, the breast cancer like any other forms of cancer is considered as one of the final outcomes of multiple hereditary and environmental factors. The risk of breast cancer will be increased by 70% in young people by inhaling the secondhand smoke and primarily menopausal women are affected by this.


So many fears are elicited by breast cancer including the ones that are related to surgery, loss of body image, death and loss of sexuality and however, if the breast caner is diagnosed earlier, then it is curable. Therefore, it always recommended doing a regular self screening of the body. Usually, the breast cancer will show thickening or lump in the breast tissues but not all the breast lumps are cancerous.
Often, the breast cancer will occur in left breast and also in the upper quadrant. Other than the lump, the indications of this cancer include skin dimpling, changes in breast shape and size, spontaneous discharge of single nipple or nipple inversion.


In order to treat the breast cancer, controversies are still raging all over the world. The options to treat the breast cancer include chemotherapy, surgery, herceptin, hormonal therapies, radiotherapy and other complementary treatments.
Whenever the tumor is localized, surgery is the mainstay of the treatment. Some of the surgeries include the possible hormonal therapy (with aromatase inhibitor or with the tamoxifen), radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.
MammaPrint test is the first tests that became one of the first breast cancer predicator, which won the formal approval of the USFDA. This is a new type of gene test, which will predict whether women with the early stage of cancer will replace in about 5 to 10 years. This test will help to influence on how aggressively the tumor in the initial stages can be treated.
ILT (Interstitial Laser thermotherapy) is one of the innovative methods that are used to treat the breast cancer through minimal invasive manner. This method does not involve any surgical procedures. This procedure will not have any adverse effect on health and during the intermediate follow-up; the survival rate of the patient is high.
Routine mammography of the women aged more than 40 to 50 years is very much recommended by many science institutes. By doing so, if there is cancer, then it can be detected at the earlier stages and it can be treated effectively at early stages.

Various types of breast cancer.

It should be stressed that breast cancer is not easy to define. By that I mean that there are various types of breast cancer, various stages of the growth of the disease, various methods of treatment and, of course, various outcomes with some women beating the disease, some living with it for different lengths of time and some succumbing to the disease. But to the question can breast cancer be defeated? the answer is most definitely, yes.

Once a diagnosis has shown the presence of breast cancer, there are several factors which must be considered relating directly to the patient's chances of survival. The first factor is that of the stage of the cancer. A zero rating means the cancer has been caught in its earliest stage, has not spread elsewhere in the body and the patient has an excellent chance of survival. There are other stages reaching the peak at stage 4 which is where the cancer has spread to other organs and places the patient in the most serious danger. Obviously the earlier the detection the more likely it is that a patient will have a low stage reading.
Any cancer diagnosis is difficult to say the least and can be devastating for the woman, her friends and family. But if it is possible to be calm in this crisis, it is important to look at today's survival statistics. They have improved enormously over the decades. In the USA, breast cancer detected early and found to be stage zero, that is localized within the breast, has the patient receiving an excellent chance of survival in the first five years of around 98%. As treatment techniques and new drugs are discovered and researched, chances of a much longer life expectancy continue to improve. Survival is not just a word these days but far more a reality.
Statistics can at times throw up some unexpected results and one is related to the age of the patient. Strangely a woman younger than forty would appear to have a tougher task of survival than a woman over forty. This is believed to be because a cancer can grow more aggressively in a younger woman.
Survival chances are determined to a large extent by the grade of the cancer cells in the breast cancer tumor. Experts can study cancerous cells under a microscope. If the cells are almost normal in appearance then they are listed as low grade and the cancer is deemed less dangerous. However, if the cancerous cells are markedly different from normal breast tissue cells then this tumor is regarding as serious.
The bottom line, as they say today, is that breast cancer survival rates depend on a number of factors. And as hard as it may be to stay calm once a diagnosis has found a tumor, it is vital that you as the patient, or as the spouse or friend of the patient, get all the facts from your doctor first. It is indeed possible to survive and to even beat the disease.
As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life.

Family history of breast cancer.

People that have been given a prognosis and then come to the realization that they have breast cancer will have a bit of shock to recover from in the initial days. Fortunately this shock wears off, and they seek support. This is a good thing, because support is precisely what a breast cancer patient needs at this crucial time in their life. This support can be given by friends, family, or even a support group.
Breast cancer treatment is a lot better now than it was in the past, fortunately. There are a number of factors that the success of such treatment relies on however, and therein lies the problem. The patient needs to be strong to undergo the prescribed treatments. This means they need to be both emotionally an physically fit.
Cancer is not a unique condition. In fact, everyone may have cancer cells somewhere in their body. There are a few factors that can trigger these cells into activity, one of which is a weakened immune system.
This isn't the only reason that people will contract breast cancer however. As you probably guessed, there are some hereditary reasons as well. For example, it could be something that was passed on from an ancestor. There are treatments of course, but not everyone is as open to treatment as you might think.
Sometimes the breast cancer treatment causes more harm that good. There has been more than one person that ended up with some sort of illness related to treatment itself. Secondary illnesses are quite common, especially when the immune system is weakened after chemotherapy.
There are several alternative treatments for breast cancer that you could look into. Alternative treatments and more traditional ones can be used in concert. These are things that you will need to go over with your doctor at some point.
Your breast cancer could be severe, or it could be less severe, but either way you need to be well informed. You need to know what it is that is happening to your body, and you need to know as soon as possible. Support groups are everywhere, and if you don't want to leave your home you can always use internet support groups. There is always someone that is willing to help, you just have to search for them.
If you wish to be cured of your illness, then you need to take measures to reduce stress in your life and make sure you are healthy. This means you need to be well in every sense of the word. Be at peace, and do not be afraid. This is where the support groups come in, and you will find them to be particularly helpful during this painful time.
The tendency for people to procrastinate only exacerbates the problem of breast cancer. Doing this only hurts you! Don't put it off, and think that the problem will resolve itself. Get the help you need! With proper attention and care, the chances of getting on the road to recovery greatly increase.

Easy Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer.

The words "breast cancer" strike fear in the hearts of women. Nobody wants to have cancer and if there are any changes women can make in their everyday lives that will lower their risk of getting breast cancer, then they should pay close attention to this article. We offer some suggestions that will help lower a woman's risk of breast cancer.
Eat more broccoli. Broccoli contains unique compounds that inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. By eating 2 cups of broccoli weekly, you can reduce your risk of tumors by 40%.
Exercise more. According to research, exercising can help reduce estrogen in the bloodstream. Estrogen has been shown to produce tumors. It is recommended that you work out for 3 to 5 hours per week.
Avoid trans fats. Trans fats are not only bad for you because they can cause heart disease, but they can also block the action of enzymes that break down carcinogens. Women who eat a lot of trans fats are twice as likely to contract cancer in their breasts than other women.
Eat/drink more soy. You can cut your risk of developing breast cancer by 22% if you eat or drink a serving each day of tofu, soybeans or soy milk. There are compounds in soy products that prevent damaging estrogen from binding to your tissues.
Eat walnuts. Walnuts are chock full of anti-cancer compounds. By eating 2 ounces of walnuts each day, you can slow breast-cancer growth by 50%, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Eat beans. Beans not only contain fiber, but they also have anti-oxidants. If you can eat at least 1/2 cup of beans daily, you can cut your risk of breast cancer by 30%.
So, if you are a woman, be sure to get your annual mammogram and follow the above suggestions. It could go a long way in keeping you from developing breast cancer.


It has been observed that a very high percentage of elderly women either suffer or die from the disease of breast cancer. This is really a cause of worry and warranties immediate attention of the medical scientists as well as the other concerned agencies. One type of imaging diagnostic technique that has proved to be very helpful in detecting the breast cancer in women in the early stages is the technique of mammography. In the technique of mammography, the breast of the patient is slightly compressed by the mammography machine in order to get a good quality image. In this technique of mammography, the front as well as the side images of the breast of the patient is taken to get a better understanding of the extent of the cancer. It is strictly advised that the patient before undergoing the procedure of mammography does not uses any cosmetic or other substance as that might interfere with the X-ray and result in vague images.

In the recent years, two different techniques have been developed to conduct mammography in the patients. They are:

- The digital mammography: In this technique of mammography, solid state detectors are used in order to convert X-rays into electrical signals.

- Computer aided detection (CAD): In this technique the digital images of the breast are taken that can help the software in detecting any conspicuous abnormality in the region or any other sign that might indicate the presence of cancer.

Since the time the mammography screening has started, it has been observed that there has been a significant drop in the deaths due to the breast cancer among women and particularly the elderly women. Although there are still some sections in the medical community as well as the other concerned authorities that are not in favor of mammography yet it has been observed that the technique of mammography has really been a lot helpful in making an early detection of the breast cancer in the women.

Breast Cancer Protection

One of the most common forms of cancer in the world is breast cancer. Did you know that it isn't only women that are susceptible to this? There are cases where men have gotten this type of cancer as well. This cancer could strike at any moment, but not many people are able to say much about it. Until they get the news that it has afflicted them, they do not have many facts to speak of. For cancer protection, it is a good idea to know about the cancer facts. Below, we are going to give you three facts.

Fact number 1 - It is generally found by a lump. It has been said that around eighty percent of the breast cancer situation are found because they discovered a little lump around the armpit in the breast. This is why women throughout the world should do a breast examination on themselves.

Fact number 2 - Women who live in the United States have shown a higher incidence of getting this cancer. For those that live in the USA, it would be a good idea to take a look at your lifestyle. Keep in mind that this does not mean that you are out of the danger zone if you do not live in the United States.

Fact number 3 - Women that live in an urban environment have been found more prone to getting this cancer. Experts state that this is because of the city women having a fast paced style of living. Those living in an urban area have been found to have glandular breasts. Glandular breasts make them four time more likely to get the cancer.

Those are three facts on breast cancer protection you should know. On an ending reminder, do not forget to do the self exams and get examined by the doctor regularly.

Breast Cancer Detection- Identify Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer.

A cancer is caused when a number of cells start growing abnormally in any portion of the body. The breast is also was not about to such an abnormal occurrence happening, and that is the reason why, breast cancer is known to be one of the most common cancers occurring in women. In fact, some scientific studies and research has shown that one out of every 10 women suffer from breast cancer. Well, I did not know that! And that is the reason why, it is extremely necessary that we know all the tell-tale symptoms, warning signs, and treatments of breast cancer.
Nearly everybody who has suffered from breast cancer may say that it started up with a small lump, which was felt in the breast or under the armpit. After that, a discharge was noticed from the nipple and this symptom look so abnormal, and unusual that the doctor was consulted immediately. She immediately suggested a mammogram. That means she recommended an x-ray of the breast to see if there was any sort of abnormal growth in that particular area. She may have even suggested a breast biopsy. That means a little piece of the breast tissue was taken for more thorough testing.
If you are lucky, she is going to give you an all clear sign, saying that the mammogram did not show any occurrence of breast cancer. On the other hand, she could easily tell you that your breast biopsy test tested positive for breast cancer.

Now, here are some common symptoms of breast cancer.
1.Did you notice a lumpy growth in your breast or under the armpits?
2.Do you find some swelling, which was not explained in the breast area?
3.Did you notice that the color of the skin around the nipples or on the breast had changed to red?
4.Did you notice some abnormal puffiness and scaliness in the region around your nipple?
5.Did you find an unexplained lump under the underarm?
Do you find your breasts or your nipples paining with no perceptible cause or reason?
Well, these symptoms can presage the onset of breast cancer. On the other hand, you do not have to panic without a complete diagnosis. They might even be symptomatic of some non-cancerous conditions like breast cysts, or breast infections. Nevertheless, it is extremely necessary that you go in for a complete checkup. The warning signs are there; you need to act on them immediately so that the doctor can check and nip the problem right at the beginning itself.
There is a good percentage chance of your surviving breast cancer, if it is treated properly to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On the other hand, if it has managed to spread to the other parts of your body, as well as the lymph nodes, your doctors may need to take even more drastic treatment steps, like surgery. But you do not have to worry, the idea of removing a breast is the last option; it can be treated and is often cured when caught in the early stages. These treatments are going to include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, prescribed according to the metastasis (spread) of the cancer.

Some common symptoms of breast cancer.

Just imagine that you went to your doctor for your annual checkup. She checked you completely, and then decided that you needed a mammogram. Your first horrified thought is, "Oh no, why is she asking for an x-ray of my breast? Can it be breast cancer?" But one need not worry. Breast cancer is curable, like any other cancer, if detected in time. So you would want to look for the early symptoms of cancer, which might have been detected during your monthly breast self-examination in which you looked carefully at your breasts to detect any unusual symptoms.
This mere thought of one suffering from breast cancer can be terrifying in itself. It means future surgery, possible death, and loss of one's sexual allure. This terrifying image and dim future prospect of this cancerous form is the reason why many women overlook the possibility of their suffering from breast cancer. And that is the reason why many women of the age group 20 -- 40 do not go for a possible cure, even though the symptoms are present.
Your doctor may have recommended a mammogram for possible cancer detection, because she (or you), noticed these symptoms and changes in the breast.
Did you suddenly find a hard yet painless lump in the breast tissue? Breast cancer may possibly not show any symptoms overtly and you might find the lump to be really small to be detected by your fingers. That was while you are doing a self-examination of your breasts by yourself before you went to the doctor for possible ratification of your suspicions. Besides, it is not paining you, is it? It is only a mammogram, which can detect abnormal areas present in the breast. and this is going to lead to future and further testing. These lumps in the breast can be hard, yet painless; on the other hand, you might notice that the lumps are rounded, soft and tender. Whatever forms a lump takes, it needs to be checked up thoroughly and immediately by the doctor. You definitely do not want to disregard the warning signs of breast cancer.
Did you notice a lumpy growth in your breast or under the armpits?
Do you find some swelling, which was not explained in the breast area?
Did you notice that the color of the skin around the nipples or on the breast had changed to red? Did you notice some abnormal puffiness and scaliness in the region around your nipple?
Did you find an unexplained lump under the underarm?
Do you find your breasts or your nipples paining with no perceptible cause or reason?
You might also be a little worried about some particular area of your breast swelling up. You may have also noticed some slight irritation in the skin and a discharge coming out from the nipple. These are all common symptoms, which may presage the initial presence of cancer. Other symptoms include pain in the nipple and in the breast area, and the nipple turning inwards.
Go and see a doctor immediately if you find the area around the nipple growing thick and red. Some patients also noticed scaliness of the skin in the nipple area. They went to the doctor immediately and got a mammogram done. They are now being treated successfully with the help of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Вreast cancer symptoms.Breast Cancer Early Symptoms - What You Should Know .

More and more women are now surviving after being diagnosed with having breast cancer simply because it has been discovered in its very early stages of development. Because so much is being written on the subject more and more women are actually becoming aware of what the symptoms of breast cancer are and what they should do if they feel that they may be suffering from them.
In most cases, the first symptom that a woman will notice is that they discover a lump in their breast. Although in some cases, this disease can be extremely deadly in most cases (9 out of 10 to be exact) the lump a woman finds is actually benign. Which means that they do not actually have cancer at all.
The most common reason for these lumps to form is that sacs of fluid (cysts) have grown in the breast or that some of the glandular tissue has become fibrous. This particular condition is commonly referred to by medical professionals as Fibroadenoma. Although any woman can suffer from these conditions they are far more likely to occur in women over the age of 35.
However if you begin to notice some changes in your breast which have not been there before then it would be advisable to seek medical attention. The kinds of changes, which can often a prelude to a woman suffering from breast cancer, are as follows:-
1.A lump has appeared or there is a thickening to a part of the breast that was not there previously. The size or shape of the breast has changed or there is now dimpling (similar in look to an orange skin) to the breast skin.
2.When you carry out an examination of your breast look closely at your nipples. Are they turning in or sinking back into the breast or have they begun to change shape as these can all be the first signs that you may be suffering from breast cancer. Plus if at any time you suddenly begin to notice that your nipples are producing a discharge (especially if it is blood colored) then medical assistance should be sought.
3.Whilst the above two are the more common symptoms of a woman possibly having breast cancer another is that they notice a rash appearing on the nipple or the area surrounding it.
4.The final symptom and which is probably the most common of all of the symptoms is that a woman finds a lump either in her breast or in her armpit as she carries out an examination on herself. If you do find such a lump it is important that you seek medical advice and assistance as soon as you can.
What is important for you to remember is that although the above symptoms may be a sign of you suffering from breast cancer there may be another medical condition, which could be causing them. Therefore if you are worried at any stage after carrying out a breast examination for yourself you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
The earlier you are able to identify the symptoms of breast cancer will help to increase your chances of the right diagnosis being provided. Which will then result in the right kind of treatment being provided and which will increase your chances of surviving what use to be a very deadly disease among women of all ages.

Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

Cancer is an incredibly scary thing to have. At the end of the day, if you have it, you should look into as many advanced treatments for cancer as is possible. One form of therapy that has been known to be effective but is not widely known is oxygen therapy. This is a safe way to help the body release oxygen that can help the body fight cancerous cells. The following are some basic facts and information about oxygen therapy and how it is used.
The theory behind this treatment is that cancerous cells love and thrive in environments that are low in oxygen. Thus, if substances are introduced to the body to increase oxygen levels, it can help the body attack and defeat the cancer. Though science has not yet proven oxygen therapy to be 100% effective, it has been known to help people cope with the effects of this condition. There are two main types of substances used to increase oxygen production and flow in the body: ozone, an active form of oxygen, and hydrogen peroxide.
Another approach to oxygen therapy involves a special service that inserts ozone into a pint of blood that has been taken from the body and then involves the blood being placed back or returned to the patient. For hydrogen peroxide, it may be inserted into one of the aforementioned areas or may be used as eardrops or as a nasal spray. This form of therapy is generally done three times a day for several weeks or even several months. The duration depends on the severity of the cancer and if the oxygen therapy seems to be working.
Those that have used oxygen therapy say that it has not only decreased the size of their tumors but also reliever their pain. Additionally, folks have reported an increase in energy and an overall enhanced immune system. Though it is not recommended that oxygen therapy be the only form of treatment, it has proven to help those in conjuncture with other treatment methods please talk to your doctor in Paramus New Jersey about it. At the end of the day, it has been known to make folks feel better. Thus, the major plus to oxygen therapy is that improves a person's health and state of mind, and this in turn can only prep the body for defeating cancer.