Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breast Cancer Detection- Identify Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer.

A cancer is caused when a number of cells start growing abnormally in any portion of the body. The breast is also was not about to such an abnormal occurrence happening, and that is the reason why, breast cancer is known to be one of the most common cancers occurring in women. In fact, some scientific studies and research has shown that one out of every 10 women suffer from breast cancer. Well, I did not know that! And that is the reason why, it is extremely necessary that we know all the tell-tale symptoms, warning signs, and treatments of breast cancer.
Nearly everybody who has suffered from breast cancer may say that it started up with a small lump, which was felt in the breast or under the armpit. After that, a discharge was noticed from the nipple and this symptom look so abnormal, and unusual that the doctor was consulted immediately. She immediately suggested a mammogram. That means she recommended an x-ray of the breast to see if there was any sort of abnormal growth in that particular area. She may have even suggested a breast biopsy. That means a little piece of the breast tissue was taken for more thorough testing.
If you are lucky, she is going to give you an all clear sign, saying that the mammogram did not show any occurrence of breast cancer. On the other hand, she could easily tell you that your breast biopsy test tested positive for breast cancer.

Now, here are some common symptoms of breast cancer.
1.Did you notice a lumpy growth in your breast or under the armpits?
2.Do you find some swelling, which was not explained in the breast area?
3.Did you notice that the color of the skin around the nipples or on the breast had changed to red?
4.Did you notice some abnormal puffiness and scaliness in the region around your nipple?
5.Did you find an unexplained lump under the underarm?
Do you find your breasts or your nipples paining with no perceptible cause or reason?
Well, these symptoms can presage the onset of breast cancer. On the other hand, you do not have to panic without a complete diagnosis. They might even be symptomatic of some non-cancerous conditions like breast cysts, or breast infections. Nevertheless, it is extremely necessary that you go in for a complete checkup. The warning signs are there; you need to act on them immediately so that the doctor can check and nip the problem right at the beginning itself.
There is a good percentage chance of your surviving breast cancer, if it is treated properly to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On the other hand, if it has managed to spread to the other parts of your body, as well as the lymph nodes, your doctors may need to take even more drastic treatment steps, like surgery. But you do not have to worry, the idea of removing a breast is the last option; it can be treated and is often cured when caught in the early stages. These treatments are going to include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, prescribed according to the metastasis (spread) of the cancer.

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