Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breast Cancer Protection

One of the most common forms of cancer in the world is breast cancer. Did you know that it isn't only women that are susceptible to this? There are cases where men have gotten this type of cancer as well. This cancer could strike at any moment, but not many people are able to say much about it. Until they get the news that it has afflicted them, they do not have many facts to speak of. For cancer protection, it is a good idea to know about the cancer facts. Below, we are going to give you three facts.

Fact number 1 - It is generally found by a lump. It has been said that around eighty percent of the breast cancer situation are found because they discovered a little lump around the armpit in the breast. This is why women throughout the world should do a breast examination on themselves.

Fact number 2 - Women who live in the United States have shown a higher incidence of getting this cancer. For those that live in the USA, it would be a good idea to take a look at your lifestyle. Keep in mind that this does not mean that you are out of the danger zone if you do not live in the United States.

Fact number 3 - Women that live in an urban environment have been found more prone to getting this cancer. Experts state that this is because of the city women having a fast paced style of living. Those living in an urban area have been found to have glandular breasts. Glandular breasts make them four time more likely to get the cancer.

Those are three facts on breast cancer protection you should know. On an ending reminder, do not forget to do the self exams and get examined by the doctor regularly.

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