Monday, March 1, 2010

2 Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments That Reduce the Side-Effects of Chemotherapy Drugs!

Chemotherapy refers to the use of drugs to slow or to kill cancerous cells. It is a very dangerous treatment that has a lot of side-effects. The main problem with chemotherapy, is that the drugs not only kill the cancerous cells, but also healthy cells. This causes a lot of damage and very often a person dies not because of the cancer itself, but because of the damage the treatments have caused. The good thing is that there are several alternative breast cancer treatments, that can increase the kill effect of these drugs and cause less damage.

Alternative treatments and natural remedies are not considered to be of any real help, in the fight against cancer by most doctors and "experts." But it is not realistic to think, that there are no natural remedies, that have no positive effects what so ever. The problem is that big pharmaceutical companies simple are not interested in these treatments and remedies, because they can`t make money of them. But any way lets get to the point.

Alternative breast cancer treatments - Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)IPT is very effective because it increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. In insulin potentiation therapy a tiny amount of insulin is given to the person, this in turn induces a state of low blood sugar. When the person starts to have symptoms, that are common with low blood sugar, like lightheadedness and weakness, then low doses of traditional chemotherapy are given to the person. The cancer cells believe they are going to get food, when the insulin is given, but instead they get destroyed by chemotherapy. This means less amount of drugs are needed and the less damage these drugs can make.

There are many other potentiations that increase the kill effect of chemotherapy drugs. A potentiation, by the way, is an agent that increases the effectiveness of another agent. Besides insulin hyperthermia, oxygen therapies and dimethyl sulfoxide can also increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. Vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, coenzyme Q10, beta carotene, genistein, diadzein, green tea, vitamin A and many others can also increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. So IPT is a very real alternative breast cancer treatment.

Alternative breast cancer treatments - MGN-3A strong immune system is a very important factor and cancer patients do not have a very strong immune system. Especially their Natural Kill (NK) cells are not very active. The NK cells are the main cells that fight against cancer and other diseases. Dr. Ghoneum, who is an expert in cancer immune therapy, uses biological response modifiers (BRM) to activate the NK cells, that destroy cancer cells. MGN-3 is the most effective and non-toxic BRM.

How do these natural kill cells destroy cancer cells? Well, when a NK cell encounters a cancer cell, then it connects to the cancer cell`s membrane and injects cytoplasmic granules that quickly dissolve the cancer cell. A single Natural Kill cell can destroy up to 27 cancer cells. The best time to use MGN-3 is during or right after radiation, surgery or chemotherapy. Because then there are less cancer cells and therefore more effective the MGN-3. Yet again, this is a very effective alternative breast cancer treatment.

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