Monday, March 1, 2010

Common Types.

Breast cancer is one fatal sickness that affects more women every year. That is why there is the need to disseminate information about it. But while most people focus on awareness and advocacy, only a few people know the different types of breast cancers. Knowing the type is important because the treatment plan depends on it.

Before listing the breast cancer types, it is essential to define and be familiar with some terms and breast parts. The breast is composed of the following parts:

- lobules, or the glands that produce milk

- ducts, or the tubes where milk passes from the lobules to the nipple

- fatty connective tissues, and

- blood and lymph vessels.

Carcinoma is a general term to describe a cancer which starts in an organ's lining layer. In this case, the organ is the breast. Most, if not all, forms of breast cancers are carcinomas. Sarcoma, on the other hand, is cancer which starts from structural or connective tissues such as blood vessels, bones, or fat tissues.

The types of breast cancers are grouped as common types and rare types.
Common Types

The common types of breast cancer are further subdivided into two groups: in situ and invasive. "In situ" means that the cancer is contained or has remained within its point of origin and has not spread to the breast tissue around it. "Invasive" or infiltrating breast cancer means that the cancer has spread from the place of origin into the tissues around it, or to other parts of the body like the lymph nodes. There are four most common types:

Ductal carcinoma in situ is an early-stage type of breast cancer where cancer cells remain in the duct lining and have not spread to the surrounding breast tissue. Some experts consider this a "pre-cancerous" condition. As such, it can be treated successfully.

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