Monday, March 1, 2010

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is one of the leading killer cancers for women. There is as much need for the cure for breast cancer as the need for emotional bolstering. Everyone needs to educate themselves about this disease.

This is a type of cancer that begins in the breast cells. It is more common in women, but can also happen to men. Women between ages 45 and 55 are more prone to this disease.

What are the symptoms?
The first tell-tale symptoms are a lump that can be felt in that area that is different from the tissues that comprise the breast. There might also be changes in the size and appearance of the breast. It might look dimply with inverted nipples that have fluid discharges.

If there is an inflammation, there might be pain, a warm sensation, redness and swelling in that area.

What are the causes? In truth there are many factors that can trigger this. Age seems to play a key role, especially to the women past the childbearing age. Other than that, factors such as gender, hormones, diet, obesity, radiation can contribute to the progress of this disease.

Genetics also play a vital role. Those who have a history of this disease in their family are more likely to develop it after the childbearing age.

What are the treatments?
There are many clinical treatments used to treat this condition. Depending on the stage of this disease, your doctor may prescribe you with a series of treatments. It also follows a series of medications.

ILT or Interstitial laser thermotherapy is a new method today that can treat this problem without surgically removing it. Another treatment is with the use of radiation therapy which can destroy the cancer cells. It inhibits the development of the bad cells in the future by 50 to 66%.

Many women have not singled out the treatments for this disease. They have tried many different ways to help them with their condition. Natural cure for breast cancer is one of these alternative treatments.

First, try to adapt a non-carcinogenic diet. There have been many reliable accounting that reports an almost miraculous healing on their health. These women have been eating more fruits and vegetables rather than meaty and fatty foods.

Supplementing with vitamins and minerals has also been proven effective. Ingesting omega-3 supplements has been very effective in either keeping the cancer cells at bay or inhibiting its growth.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA can be taken from fishes. They are the most abundant source of these nutrients so it is a big help to take fish oil supplements.

There are herbal remedies that are purported to help this problem as well. Dong quai, for one, can help normalize the production of hormones. Black Cohosh has similar benefits.

To help women live a better quality life, there is a natural product that can supplement lost energy. This product is called Fatigue Fighter.

This product can improve the vivacity and the strength of a person suffering from this disease. It can also improve the health of the immune system to hinder the possibility of complications. This product will enable the person to still perform well physically without feeling fatigued.

This is safe to use because it only uses natural ingredients such as Siberian Ginseng, olive leaf extract and centella asiatica.

With all the success stories of women who have tried natural treatments, I think experts should consider doing a bit more research on this method instead of always finding severe methods to kill the cancer cells.

The cure for breast cancer is extensive. It is important to keep an open heart and mind over the many possible treatments that can send you on your way to recovery

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