Monday, March 1, 2010

Breast cancer statistics.

There are some things we know about breast cancer. One is that it is the most prevalent cause of death for women at present. Another is that there are more breast cancer survivors now than there were several years ago. But exactly how many incidences of diagnosis are there every year? How many of them die and how many of them survive? These and many others make up breast cancer statistics.

The National Cancer Institute is the primary agency to release breast cancer statistics in the United States. The Cancer Statistics Branch publishes the SEER Cancer Statistics Review annually. This report includes incidence, mortality, prevalence, survival and other risk statistics. Incidence, mortality rates and other risk factors are tabulated with respect to age, state, race, tumor size, stage and others. The report showed that in 2004, the number of women diagnosed were 186,772 while the number of men were only 1,815.

While there may be millions who are diagnosed with this illness, it is not the leading cause of death. More women have died because of heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, lung cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease and Alzheimer's disease. This shows that there are more breast cancer survivors now than there were years ago.

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